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There are 31 articles associated with the tag christian writing!

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1. Bookmarks: 6 Writing What You Want To Write: Personal Innovation Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale CarnegieSome of the special skills discussed in writing may have you feeling as if there is really no room for expressing your own personality in your writing. However, there is always a misunderstood need for personal innovation in storytelling. There will always be intriguing stories that defy conventional wisdom.Children'...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Success: What Does It Mean To You? Like most creative professions the question of a qualified success in writing is not easy to concentrate into one definitive answer.Just as there are a multitude of writing styles, so too are there many examples of writing success.Examples1. "If I can just finish my first story, I will have success."2. "If I can just work up the courage to submit this to a publisher, I will have success."3. "If I can actually receive a check in the mail for a magazine article,...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Contests: Building Writing Credentials One of the ways many writers can successfully add credentials to their portfolio if to participate in a variety of literary contests. This type of contest encourages writers to put their best foot forward in both creativity and attention to detail.It is true that there are some contests that provide a cash award for their top finishers, but there are also publishing scams that will accept your work regardless of quality. When you receive notice that your work has been acc...
4. Bookmarks: 4 Writing Advice From The Experts Part #1 One must be drenched in words, literally soaked in them, to have the right ones form themselves into the proper pattern at the right moment. - Hart CraneSome of the best advice for writers in the 21st century comes from those who have seen their successes and offer advice from their own experience. Let’s draw from that brain trust.On Writing WellShow don't tell. - Henry JamesDon't say the old lady screamed -- bring her on and let her scream. - Mark TwainCu...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Who's Telling The Story? The point of view in any story is important because it provides a guide to manage the execution of your story. Most works of fiction use one point of view although a second perspective can be brought into the story for a short period of time.Third Person Perspective is the most common method of conveying a work of fiction. This method allows the narrator to have at least limited omniscience. The narrator has limited access to the knowledge and feelings of the characters i...
6. Bookmarks: 6 What To Expect At A Book Signing? One of the most thrilling moments for an author is when they are invited to participate in a book signing. This is often the stamp of approval many writers need, especially with their first book.Most bookstores see a book signing as a means of increasing foot traffic and promoting a sense of connectedness with the writing community. Most bookstore owners are open to the idea of providing time, space and promotion for a book signing.From a writers perspective this shou...
7. Bookmarks: 4 Time Management For Writers Most established writers have deadlines to follow. They are either pressed to complete an article by a certain time or they have a novel or non-fiction book that must be handed in by a deadline. In each case they have either a mandatory of self-imposed daily word count they need to complete in order to finish on time.The primary components to time management for writers should encompass several things.1. Writing - By actually identifying what your purpose is you take ...
8. Bookmarks: 4 The Sweet Taste Of Success Writers are an interesting breed of humanity – they can make us feel joy, sadness, anger and empathy. Sometimes they can cause us to feel all these emotions simultaneously.There are certainly more lucrative methods of gaining an income, yet everyday thousands of individuals will sit down at their keyboard pounding out a story that may never actually be published.There is a creative energy required to create a meaningful story. It is hard to invest that energy into a s...
9. Bookmarks: 0 The Perfect Freelance Writer "Careers, like rockets, don't always take off on schedule. The key is to keep working the engines." - Gary SineseIf you pay close attention to the words and inferences of some who use freelance writers you will see that freelancers must be superhuman.The Top Ten Signs you Have Found a Perfect Freelance Writer1) They are never too busy to work on my project.2) They are always efficient enough to have the project completed yesterday.3) They are willing to write ...
10. Bookmarks: 0 The One You Love To Hate Many of the best stories in fiction have both an antagonist and a protagonist.The protagonist is the main character or hero that we cheer on and hope conquers all.The antagonist is the story’s villain. The best bad guys are the ones we love to hate. We don’t need to know why they are bad, we don’t need a play by play of the choices they made early in life, we simply recognize they are bad and we don’t want them to win.A story can operate without an antagonist; how...
11. Bookmarks: 3 The Exercise Of Emulation A writing exercise that is helpful in learning a very specific style of writing is called Emulation. This is done to match the style of a specific author.In essence, you create an entirely new passage using an existing passage as your guide.For example if you wanted to try to write in the same manner as the Psalmist you might copy a passage of Scripture…Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Kno...
12. Bookmarks: 6 The Banned Narrator-Are You An Epistolary Novelist? Do you like to write letters to those who have meant something to you? Do people like receiving your letters? Have others said they always look forward to your letters?If you answered yes to any of the above questions you could be an Epistolary Novelist.This novel approach to fiction writing is unique in that the entire novel is composed with letters written between main characters or a solitary writer.One of the classic Epistolary Novels in Christian fiction is t...
13. Bookmarks: 0 There’s Always A Critic Have you ever had anyone criticize your writing? Maybe they were just having a bad day. After all some people just can’t seem to say anything nice.Not everyone is comfortable with criticism, but there may be times when it provides just what you need to move forward in your writing.There is a man that’s been called the “Simon Cowell of Christian Publishing”. A few quotes from Chip MacGregor might allow you to see that he’s far from being the touchy-feely type. The foll...
14. Bookmarks: 2 That’s A Hyperbolic Understatement If I Ever Heard One There are at least sixty different types of rhetorical devices in English literature. The English language is an odd mixture of truth and symbolism and most often exhibits this propensity in the form of various figures of speech. Of all the types of symbolic or rhetorical devices used, hyperbole is the most common. The use of hyperbole may remind you of William Shatner and his propensity to overact.Worsley Online School asked visitors to come up with examples of hyperbole...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Self-marketing Techniques For Writers One of the most effective ways to present your work to prospective clients is by having an online presence. As the world shrinks through the use of the worldwide web, you will find clients on an international basis may be interested in your work and in your ability to work for them.First StepBy creating a website you have the opportunity to place testimonials, pricing structure, examples and a list or services you provide.Because most writers have problems with se...
16. Bookmarks: 7 Rediscovering Chapbooks In the 1600's most cultured socialites considered chapbooks vulgar. These 'flimsy' booklets were often sold in less than reputable establishments and contained a variety of less than quality poetry, stories, ballads and political dissent. Often filled with spelling mistakes, factual blunders and little in the way of quality assurance these chapbooks often connected with the uncultured alone.Today you will find several colleges that are working to collect copies of aging c...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Readers: Are They Involved? There are two specific, yet lofty goals writers strive for every time they commit words to paper. That goal is to write in such a way as to draw their readers into the written word.If this goal is in fictional writing the author wants the reader to become so absorbed in the story that they are both satisfied, yet sad to see the story end.If this goal is in non-fiction the writer accomplishes the objective by relating details in a way that leaves the reader interested ...
18. Bookmarks: 4 Poetry: An Exercise In Emotion And Vulnerability “[Henry David] Thoreau is a keen and delicate observer of nature - a genuine observer - which, I suspect, is almost as rare a character as even an original poet; and Nature, in return for his love, seems to adopt him as her especial child, and shows him secrets which few others are allowed to witness.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne (Journal entry, September 1, 1842)Most of the greatest poets were not recognized for their work until they had long been laid to rest. Many suffered g...
19. Bookmarks: 0 One Dimensional Writing-Using First Person Perspective When an author decides to write fiction one the primary methods of storytelling is through a first person perspective. For many writers this is the most comfortable manner of storytelling.In a first person narrative the reader is allowed to relate to the story one dimensionally. The story is presented to the reader from the viewpoint of a character in the story. The narrator might be the main character attempting to relate their own story. The story might also be told fro...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Just Write: Wherever You Are There was a time when you needed to relocate if you wanted to become a successful writer. In essence you went where the work was.The Internet has opened a whole new world for writers. The idea of telecommuting has become a welcome component to the mechanism of freelance.Today you can sit in a kitchen in Iowa and write for a publication based in the heart of New York. You can write for a firm in Australia from the comfort of your home office in Ontario. You can also wr...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Greeting Cards: For In-Between Freelancing "U.S. consumers purchase approximately 7 billion greeting cards each year, generating nearly $7.5 billion in retail sales." *Have you ever wondered who actually writes all of those greeting cards you purchase? Sure there are staff writers who may develop themes and specific greeting cards. However, there are numerous freelance writers who have received checks for the use of one or more of their greeting card ideas."There are an estimated 3,000 greeting card publishers...
22. Bookmarks: 7 Free For All A debate is taking place on the worldwide web in connection with the use or overuse of content. Everyone seems to agree that the use of quality content is important, but how much is too much and what ways are best for the distribution of your content?Please note that this issue is not related to write-for-hire or contract content writing.Close to the VestSome writers in this camp indicate they feel there is an integrity issue at stake when a writer makes their wor...
23. Bookmarks: 3 First Time Novelist Faux Pau Those who venture into fiction writing often fall prey to certain avoidable, yet highly normal faux pau's with their first book.Many of these novels are grand experiments. Often chapters unfold without advance direction or character notebook, sometimes there is a multitude of point of view shifts and there is often a desire to try to pack as much into the story as possible.One of the key difficulties for new novelists is to track down inconsistencies in their work. Fo...
24. Bookmarks: 3 Dusting Off A Dream: Writing Success At Any Age “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.” - J.C. PenneyCountry recording artist Tim McGraw confided in an interview that there was a guy at a 7-11 that could sing him under a table. So, why is that guy serving up Slurpees while Tim is performing to packed stadiums?The reason is the same for writers as it is for singers. There are many incredibly gifted writers who wil...
25. Bookmarks: 8 Don’t Sell Yourself Short Freelance job sites are filled with work. If you want to work for pay today, it is possible that you can do so. You might even be able to write as many articles as you want to write."$1.00 Per Article - As Much Work As You Want"Yes, you too could be on the road to a very lucrative career if you could write a few hundred articles a day.Let's see, if it takes me 45 minutes to write an article because I know something about the subject already then I could do 32 arti...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Deadline Management “When length is a problem, I'd rather cut out sections -- entire thoughts -- than chisel off the texture and color from the most important parts of the story. Cutting is hard and painful work, but I'd rather do it myself than leave it to someone who doesn't know the story as well as I do." - Warren WolfeFor some the idea of actually having writing deadlines would be a dream come true. They enjoy writing, but have never experienced the ruthless demand of completing an arti...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Content Or Passion: Balance In The Writing Journey Is it better to participate in content writing or write for magazine publication?The above question is actually multifaceted and can help you determine the overall thrust of your freelance writing career.It has been estimated that a writer will need to pen a million words before a publisher is likely to accept their first work. That means a lot of rejection slips.So, does that imply that content writing is preferred to the crafting of a book or magazine article?...
28. Bookmarks: 7 Blogging: A Writer’s Journal A novel way for a writer to keep prospects and fans in the loop on their progress as a writer is through the use of a web log or ‘Blog’.“This notion of self-publishing, which is what Blogger and blogging are really about, is the next big wave of human communication. The last big wave was Web activity. Before that one it was e-mail.” – Eric SchmidtThis online tool has allowed many writers to share thoughts, humor, politics, and more with any and all who would visit. Si...
29. Bookmarks: 0 A Writer’s Life For Me? It may be the hope of all who have ever put pen to paper that they might be able to write on a full-time basis. The romantic notion of a writer's life is compelling enough to many to find them seeking ways to make a living by crafting the written word.David Boles is the publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Go Inside Magazine. Boles indicates his day starts at 8:00 a.m. and he rarely finishes writing until midnight. Boles has additional words of wisdom for new writers.1. Y...
30. Bookmarks: 0 A Work In Context - The Paradigm A paradigm has been described as “A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.”Each writer comes at their work with a certain paradigm at work. Each writer will write with a set of assumptions about the world around them, they will subconsciously include concepts and values they find imperative. In the broadest perspective possible each writer will express their worldview in some form o...
31. Bookmarks: 15 Are You Talking To Me? In poetic literature you will often find a poem that seems to be inviting the reader to participate in an adventure or a love story. The use of ‘you’ is evident in the poetry, but in most cases the reader understands that the poem is written to a third party and the author is simply allowing you the opportunity to read these moments of intimate conversation.Possessives in poetry, marked by an apostrophe, are a way to understand that the poem is written for and to another ...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Bob Mcclain - SEO Consultant at Mooby Studio - I am a big fan of Teo. He's got a daily quotes application that I use almost daily. It motivates me. I am working with Teo to come up with a new application for video instruction on FaceBook and when I realized his firm could do everything, it was such a relief! If you are looking for someone that knows his stuff on FaceBook, Teo is your guy! - March 15, 2012, Bob was Teo's client


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